IMPORTANT MESSAGE regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19)
If you are reporting a management issue that requires a member of our team or a contractor to attend your rental property; it is essential that you inform the office immediately if you fit in to any of the categories below: -
हामी तपाईको धैर्यको लागि यो एकदम चुनौतीपूर्ण समयमा सोध्छौं अनिवार्य रूपमा ठेकेदार उपलब्धता र वास्तवमा स्पेयर पार्ट्स आदिको आपूर्ति श्रृंखला अवरोध हुन सक्छ। हामी सबै मुद्दालाई सकेसम्म छिटो रूपमा सुल्झाउने प्रयास गर्नेछौं तर अझ जरुरी प्रकृति (जस्तै चुहावट र बोयलर असफलता आदि) को मुद्दाहरूलाई प्राथमिकता दिन आवश्यक छ।
यो तपाईले हामीलाई सूचित गर्नु आवश्यक छ कि यदि तपाईं वा सम्पत्तीमा बस्ने वा बस्ने कोही एनएचएसको 'एटी जोखिम' कोटि भित्र मिल्दछ। यी समावेश छन् तर सीमित छैन
Further information can be found at:
Again we ask, if you have an issue that requires a member of the Peter Woods Team or a contractor to attend your property and are self-isolating or experiencing symptoms of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) or are classified as ‘At Risk’ that you please let us know immediately. or 0207 384 7474 / 0845 230 3828. This will enable us and our contractors to consider the risk and take the necessary precautions prior to entering the property.